
March 19, 2010

Welcome, Instructions, & Rules

Welcome to the UCPL Teen Summer Reading Blog for the Teen Volunteers at University City Public Library.  This is an alternate way to earn credit for your reading without 'reporting' to a staff member. Volunteers are required to read 12 hours AND report and/or blog 4 times to earn volunteer credit.

To get credit for your reading, email your posts to Mrs. C. at She will then post them to this site.

Your post should include the following:

1. Your name: include your full name in the email--only your first name & last initial will be posted on the blog.
2. The title & author of what you read. 
3. How much time you spent reading in 15 minute increments. 
4. A Short Description of what you read including your personal opinion of it.

You do not have to wait until you've finished a book to post--you can just tell us what's happened so far.

You may view the blog by going to