
July 22, 2011

The Haunted House

 Blogged by Morgan S.

So this is what it was about. There was this girl named Amanda and this boy named Josh their parents made them move to a new house. But Josh and Amanda didn't want to move. They had this dog named Petey. And Petey really didn't like the new house either, because he started to bark at everybody that was in the town of Dark Falls. (The name of the town.) So then they had a landlord and his name was Mr. Dawes . He was a really nice guy. So then when they got settled they started moving their stuff into the house. And Amanda had started to see a boy and a girl in the house.She told her Dad and Mom but of course they didn't believe her. So anyway their Mom and Dad wanted them to get out of the house for a while. So while they were going on their walk they met a young boy Ray about Amanda's age (12). So then Ray, Amanda, Josh, and Petey had started walking up to the school that Ray had pointed out. They saw a gang of kids, and they seemed to start talking about Amanda and Josh. So then after a few minutes the gang of kids started to close in on Ray, Josh, and Amanda. They got really quiet all of a sudden. Then suddenly Mr Dawes came and asked what was going on then the circle broke and they formed tiny groups of 2 and went back to usual. So after that they started to play a game and thats when Petey ran loose and got lost, but Josh and Amanda didnt realize it until they got home for lunch. So at night their parents went to a party at the neighbors house. So then Josh and Amanda went to go find their dog Petey. They went to go look in the cemetery and thast where they found the dog . But the dog didnt seem too happy to see them again. Then they saw Ray coming along to join them. Petey ran away again and Josh followed after him, but Amanda decided to look at the grave names and she saw that Ray Thomphson was on one of them and Ray said "You weren't supposed to find that out yet, I'm sorry." So then Ray grabbed Amanda and started choking her. Then Josh came with the flashlight and started to point it at Ray, and Ray's face started to melt. So after that they went home and something really weird happened. But this is too much for a book report so I'm just gonna skip to the end. Josh and Amanda killed all of the ghosts . And then they rescued their parents and they drove out of Dark Falls. The End.

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