Hours Read: 38hrs
The book I would like to report on: Alice in Zombieland
Author: Gena Showalter
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Rating: Five Stars
“You see anything in the shadows, anything at all, you pick up your sister and run” Alice’s dad warns. These words make up the last bits of conversation Alice shares with her family before the accident. In Gena Showalter’s Alice in Zombieland, the protagonist, Alice Bell, fights for her life as she learns that her dad’s paranoia that she has dismissed as long as she can remember came with good reason.
Alice leads a sheltered life where she is not allowed to go to any parties, hang out with friend, or do anything outside her house after sunset. These strict rules, imposed by her father, are all she has ever known. While she holds resentment towards her father, these rules have kept her family alive.
After convincing her family to go out after dark, to watch her sister’s recital, Alice’s entire family dies at the hands of monsters hungry for human flesh.
Now, Alice is set on avenging her family, but to do so she must plunge into a world she never knew existed, and trust an intimidating group of social outcasts who seem to know more about the “monsters” and who Alice really is than they let on.
From there, Alice discovers a world inhabited by evil, soulless creatures that she, as well as a few others, was born to fight.
Gena Showalter spins a unique story that combines elements of the famous Alice in Wonderland, and also the ever-popular tales of zombies. Showalter not only provides a plot that compels the reader to continue to the conclusion, but also she writes characters who have a lasting effect. Alice and her friends have a strong sense of humor and know individually who they are instead of being wishy-washy.
Anyway, I had never heard of Gena Showalter’s work before, so this read was a pleasant surprise! Overall, the book earns 5 stars for all of the “really, I have to wait for the next book?” moments that lie beyond the cover.
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