
July 14, 2015

13 Gifts blogged by Anika N.

13 Gifts by Wendy Mass
2 Hours

This book was about a girl named Tara who got suspended from school near the end of the school year. Her parents decided to let her spend the summer with her aunt that she barely knows, instead of going to Africa with them. They think it will help her be more responsible. After she gets off the train, she loses her Ipod and the $200 dollars for the trip. She doesn't want to ask her aunt for more money and steals one of her uncle's collectible comic books to sell it, But the store owner who Tara tries to sell it to knows who it belongs to. She promises not to tell on Tara if she goes around town gathering collectible items for her store by the time Tara has to go back to her parents.

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