
July 20, 2015

Water Wars blogged by Nicole H.

Water Wars by Cameron Stracher
3 hours 45 minutes

This time I read the book Water Wars. In summary the book is about a near future where there was a huge war over who gets to control the remaining supply of water in a humongous drought. In the end some organization won (don't worry it's not really important who they are) and every person get the exact same amount of water for every household need. Now this girl Vera has a pretty normal and average life, just the same as anyone else, except the rich people of course, but then one day she meets this boy Kai who's father is rich and they can afford lots of water. Then one day after Kai and Vera have gotten to know each other a bit better he goes and shows something the no one would ever believe. 

 Kai decided to show Vera his family's personal river that his dad found when he was mining one day. Vera was shocked because since they are in a drought a stream is very unlikely to see. But immediately once Kai showed her the stream he made her swear to secrecy because if the government knew about it they would claim it as their own. So she swore to keep it a secret. I will leave you there just so I don't spoil the entire book for you.

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